online dojo

The GKR Karate Online Dojo is Here!!

We hope that you and your families are well at this time and are managing to adjust to the ever-changing environment that we find ourselves in at present. Whilst many of our daily freedoms are being temporarily halted, it’s more important than ever that we maintain connection with those in our communities wherever possible, whether it be family members, close friends or those with whom we share common interests or activities.

For many thousands of our active GKR Karate students around the world, our club has been more than just a class they attend each week for some exercise. The sense of camaraderie and team spirit that binds our instructors, students and parents together is something special that we know will outlast the duration of this current health crisis.

As you know, our governments have been forced to invoke unprecedented measures to slow down the spread of the virus including the suspension of all non-essential services like ours. We fully support any initiatives they are taking to keep people safe and we will obviously be guided by their recommendations as to when our normal classes can resume.

In the meantime, however, we’ve got some exciting news that can help you stay active, healthy, and keep your karate skills developing during this difficult time.Whilst none of us can be sure when our classes will resume, our goal in the meantime is to maintain the opportunity for students to continue their training (albeit with some adjustments). Staying healthy, and keeping fit are a great antidote for the mental and physical struggles that inevitably accompany enforced inactivity and confinement.

Our team of champion instructors, IT technicians and behind the scenes administrative staff have been working around the clock to construct a virtual dojo platform that will deliver professional and high-quality training tuition directly to your home throughout this period of class suspension.

This premium content will include daily video tutorials and virtual training formats presented by some of GKR Karate’s most senior instructors from Australia, the UK and New Zealand.  Whilst some of these videos are being shot in a dojo, they’re designed to be practised in your bedroom, your lounge area, your garage, backyard, or wherever you have space.

In addition to these online tutorials we have also fast tracked the release of our brand-new GKR KARATE KATA INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS. With count-by-count demonstration and accompanying technique breakdowns for every GKR Kata in our syllabus, these videos will not only accelerate the progress of your current grade kata, but will give you the chance to begin work on katas relevant to your future karate progress.


Click here to be taken to our Online Dojo!


Like many clubs and organisations, the immediate closure of our classes has impacted us heavily and affected the livelihoods of our full-time instructors, administrative staff and membership support team. We know we’re not alone in this and we hope that your family is not being too heavily impacted by these unprecedented events, whether it be financially, or health-wise.

When things begin to re-open, our goal is to have the resources to provide the same range of classes, at the same locations, and with the same great instructors at the helm. Any support you can give us in the interim by engaging in our new online training platform will help us ride out this adverse period and see you back in classes again soon.

Best wishes and thank you.

GKR Karate

Why GKR Karate?

GKR creates the right environment for our members to train in. Although we promote self defence and fitness, our style also fosters positive values, confidence, discipline, focus and well being. GKR teaches you not only how to punch and kick, it teaches you to be a better person.

We encourage students of all ages, from all walks of life to join our club and be part of the supportive ‘family’ that is GKR Karate.

  • Self Defence
  • Weight Loss
  • Focus
  • Family
  • Respect
  • Friendships

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