Home Karate Practice for Kids – Number Games

September 16, 2020 |

Number games require at least two people, so they can also double as a great family bonding experience! Whilst these…

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The Art of Breathing

August 4, 2020 |

If you're only ever breathing habitually, studies suggest that you’re only ever filling your lungs to about one-third of their…

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Preventing Weight Gain with Injuries

December 18, 2019 |

A broken foot, sore knees, torn hamstring or bad back are all things that might keep us from not only…

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How to Conquer Cravings

August 3, 2018 |

On the road to better health, more energy, a slimmer and firmer figure, the greatest obstacle we face is our…

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The 14 Basic Components of Health

June 27, 2018 |

There are 14 basic, yet major components to a long, healthy and energy filled life. If by the end of…

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