Dojo Manager Guides & Useful Information

3/5/2024: Minor Updates

  1. The user who added a student to a Grading session has been added to the Grading Session Export download file for future classes.

Issues Impacting Current Service

These issues potentially have widespread impact and are being addressed as a priority. Please note that restoration dates are an estimation only. Every effort is made to address new issues that impact the user’s experience in a timely manner.

No issues impacting current services


Known Issues Without Widespread Impact

This is where you’ll find updates on minor bugs and known issues with Dojo Manager. If you’re experiencing a problem that isn’t listed below, please contact us using the form on this page and let us know.

Delivering stock orders placed via the Admin Portal
Instructors may not be able to mark stock orders that were placed via the Admin Portal as delivered. Continue reading…

A fix will be implemented for this, but in the meantime, we recommend using the Session Notes function to advise your Regional Manager of any stock orders that require action, and placing stock purchases via the session screen where possible.


Dojo Manager Bug Reporting and Suggestions

If you are reporting a bug, please include as much relevant information as possible, including the action you were attempting when the error occurred and any error messages you received.

    Your name*
    Select your country*
    Your region number*
    Your email*
    What type of enquiry is this?
    What sort of device are you using?
    Which browser are you using?
    If you have any screenshots, please upload them here:


    Dojo Manager Instructions


    The videos and documents below cover all key aspects of the Dojo Manager Instructor Portal.

    For help & information regarding the Admin Portal, please refer to the training document provided to each Regional Manager.

    If you’re experiencing any issues with the Dojo Manager App, or if you’d like to provide feedback, suggestions or ideas, please use the form on this page. A member of the Digital Marketing Team will be in touch as soon as possible.

    Guides, Videos & Links


    Written user guide for Instructors


    Frequently Asked Questions


    Video overview of a regular class


    Video overview of a grading class



    Frequently Asked Questions

    • Which browser should I use?
    • I accidentally created a class with the wrong details, what should I do?
    • What should I do if I forgot my password?
    • I have a question about the camera on my device
    • Why are my students' grades showing incorrectly?
    • Something isn't working properly, what should I do?
    • Can I request a new feature?
    • How do I get a Dojo Manager login?
    • How do I know if a student has a valid payment method?
    • Can I change my email address or password?